Actually, I'm having trouble implementing the plot of the flutter region for the whirl prop system with 2 DOF (Influences of structural damping and propeller—pivot point distance on whirl flutter stability) and My plot isn't getting a hump.
The explanation I would like to give about my solution is that first, I calculated the eigenvalues of the system's equation of motion. I did this by writing the characteristic polynomial equation and then examining its roots.
However, What I am most doubtful about is the method of calculating the moment of inertia of the rotor disk, angular frequency and torsional Stiffnesses. But not sure if the length of the pylon and the radius of a rotor disk impact the angular frequency or stiffness.
Attached you can check my MATLAB script.
I would highly appreciate any suggestions you might have
clc clear
% Constants with specific and random values
Dp = 3; %[m]
Rp = Dp/2; %[m] rotor radius
Ap = pi*(Rp^2); %[m^2]
m = 100; % total mass of propeller
J0_yaw = 1/4*m*Rp^2; % Mass yaw moment of inertia
J0_pitch = 1/4*m*Rp^2; % Mass pitch moment of inertia
J0x = 1/2*m*Rp^2; %Mass roll moment of inertia
rho = 1.225; %[kg/m^3]
J_av= 0.6;
Omega = 100; %rotational speed
f_pitch= 0.1:0.05:70;
f_yaw= f_pitch;
a = 0.01:0.05:3; %pivot point distance
unstable = [];
for i = 1:length(f_pitch)
for l = 1:length(a)
J_pitch = J0_pitch + (m * a(l)^2); J_yaw = J0_yaw + (m * a(l)^2); Jx = J0x;
% Calculate stiffness for the current frequency
w_omega_pitch = 2*pi*f_pitch(i);
w_omega_yaw = w_omega_pitch;
K_psi = (w_omega_pitch^2) * J_pitch * a(l);
K_theta = (w_omega_yaw^2) * J_yaw * a(l);
% Propeller rotational speeds
V=Omega*J_av*Rp; %[rad/s]
q_inf = 1/2*rho*V^2; %[rad/s]
% Propeller aerodynamics, air density, and aero derivatives
c_y_theta = 0.08;
c_z_theta = -0.26;
c_m_theta = 0.01;
c_n_theta = -0.075;
c_y_q = -0.13;
c_z_q = -0.03;
c_m_q = -0.05;
c_n_q = -0.01;
c_z_psi = c_y_theta;
c_m_psi = -c_n_theta;
c_n_r = c_m_q;
c_z_r = c_y_q;
c_y_psi = -c_z_theta;
c_n_psi = c_m_theta;
c_m_r = -c_n_q;
c_y_r = -c_z_q;
gamma_theta = 0.03;
gamma_psi = 0.03;
D_aero = [-1/2*c_m_q-a(l)^2/Dp^2*c_z_theta, 1/2*(a(l)/Dp)*c_y_q - a(l)/Dp*c_n_theta-a(l)^2/Dp^2*c_y_theta;
-1/2*(a(l)/Dp)*c_y_q+(a(l)/Dp)*(c_n_theta)+a(l)^2/Dp^2*c_y_theta, -1/2*c_m_q-a(l)^2/Dp^2*c_z_theta];
K_aero = [a(l)/Dp*c_z_theta, c_n_theta + a(l)/Dp*c_y_theta;
-c_n_theta-a(l)/Dp*c_y_theta, a(l)/Dp*c_z_theta];
M = [J_pitch, 0; 0, J_yaw];
D = [K_psi*gamma_theta/w_omega_yaw, 0; 0, K_theta*gamma_psi/w_omega_pitch];
K = [K_psi, 0; 0, K_theta];
G = [0, Jx*Omega; -Jx*Omega, 0];
Kbar = (K + (q_inf * Ap * Dp * K_aero));
Cbar = D + G + q_inf * Ap * (Dp^2 / V) * D_aero;
M11 = M(1, 1); M22 = M(2, 2);
C11 = Cbar(1, 1); C12 = Cbar(1, 2); C21 = Cbar(2, 1); C22 = Cbar(2, 2);
K11 = Kbar(1, 1); K12 = Kbar(1, 2); K21 = Kbar(2, 1); K22 = Kbar(2, 2);
P0 = M11*M22;
P1 = (- C11*M22*1j - C22*M11*1j);
P2 = (C11*C22*(1j)^2 - K22*M11 - K11*M22 - C12*C21*(1j)^2);
P3 = (C11*K22*1j - C12*K21*1j - C21*K12*1j + C22*K11*1j);
P4 = K11*K22 - K12*K21;
P = roots([P0, P1, P2, P3, P4]);
r = 1 * P;
%Flutter for k = 1:length(r) if (real(r(k)) > 0) if (imag(r(k)) <= 0) unstable = [unstable; a(l)/Rp, w_omega_pitch/Omega]; end end end
% Plot the Flutter and divergence maps figure; hold on; scatter(unstable(:,1), unstable(:,2), 'filled'); xlabel('a/Rp'); ylabel('w/omega'); title('pivot point distance on whirlflutter stability'); legend('Flutter area'); hold off;