
So I understand how H infinity control can be used to synthesize a controller that is in the standard error-feedback framework shown here:


but I was wondering can it be used for different architectures like a "2 dof" controller where the reference and the output are passed in separately to the controller:


or can it be used to design a feedforward controller like shown here:


As I understand it, the only requirement for the synthesis of an H infinity controller is that the weighted system must be representable by a linear fractional transform with the controller being connected to a generalized plant like so:


It seems like for all of the other controller frameworks we can specify the system as this linear fractional transformation, so is it safe to assume that we can apply standard H infinity control synthesis to these other frameworks (like 2 dof or feedforward)? I thought it would be but I cannot find any examples doing this and I was wondering if there were any aspects to these systems that made the synthesis infeasible. Sorry for the links, I don't know how to directly link picture diagrams, and thanks!


1 Answer 1


You can use H-infinity design to optimize any control system that can take the form

z◄───┤         │◄────w
     │    P    │
y┌───┤         │◄───┐u
 │   └─────────┘    │
 │                  │
 │      ┌───┐       │
 │      │   │       │
 └─────►│ K ├───────┘
        │   │

If you include your references in the signal w, and the error between the reference and the output in z, you are designing a tracking controller.

All the H-infinity optimization does is to minimize the H-inf norm of the transfer function between w and z with respect to K. The generalized plant P can also be designed such that the reference is fed straight into K through y, thus allowing K to contain a reference filter. If you have other external signals that are known, you can do the same for those in order to have K include feedforward also from those.

  • $\begingroup$ Thanks! Do you know of any practical reasons as to why H infinity control doesnt seem to be used for the other frameworks as much? Also, I would upvote but my account is too new. $\endgroup$ Commented Feb 26 at 17:08
  • $\begingroup$ My guess would be that there are a large number of university courses that cover topics like LQR/LQG and pole placement, significantly fewer cover H-infinity control. Of the courses that do cover H-infinity control, most only consider the most basic setup. What I describe above is essentially the basic setup, but with careful choices of the signals z,w,y,u. $\endgroup$ Commented Feb 28 at 7:43
  • $\begingroup$ H-inf control also tends to produce aggressive controllers with high gain for high frequencies, unless explicitly told not to. Tuning an H-infinity controller is usually done with "weight shaping", and not everyone finds this procedure intuitive. $\endgroup$ Commented Feb 28 at 7:44

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