A motor gives its strength in N-cm or oz-in, but how do you know how much you require? I know you can just calculate the minimum torque you need to move the load, but is there a typical amount over that minimum that is standard? Like 20% or reaching a certain acceleration?
What I'm using a motor for is my electrical engineering capstone project. I need to rotate a mirror about the z axis at between 30/60 Hz. The mirror is the only moving component, so there aren't any other mechanical considerations besides that. I don't know the mirror size yet, as I figured I'd buy as good a motor as I can afford and pick a mirror that's small enough to work with it, but I want to know how to figure out approximately what a given torque will get me. I don't want to spend $50 on a motor with something like "100 oz-in min holding torque" and then get it and find out thats only strong enough for a 2"x2" mirror or something.