I am looking for the general term for any technique used to make sure that two parts can be mated only if they are meant to be mated, and prevent any other parts from mating.
I need this term as I describe characteristics of electrical connectors. But I am looking for the mechanical term for these techniques, not an electrical term.
This is what I have:
Polarization: forces you to mate the correct mates in the correct orientation; keeps you from mating them in the wrong orientation; e.g., plugging a polarized plug into an AC power outlet turned 180 degrees
xxx: matches the shape and dimensions of two parts (not assemblies) so they fit together perfectly and other parts won't fit. e.g., the differences between an EU AC power plug and a US AC power plug
Keying: slight modifications in otherwise identical plugs so that they can only be plugged into the correct receptacles; e.g., removing a pin from a PCB header and blocking the corresponding hole in the plug
I am looking for the proper term for "xxx".
Thank you.
EDIT: best suggestions so far include "conforming", "pairing", "congruence", "fitting".
EDIT: Not "poke-yoke": that's design for mistake-proofing the manufacturing process.