\begin{equation} X(s) = -A X(s) + Z(s) +B W(s)\end{equation} \begin{equation}W(s)= C X(s) -D W(s)\end{equation} \begin{equation} Y(s)= E W(s)\end{equation}
My question is would the system be closed loop block diagram?
\begin{equation} X(s) = -A X(s) + Z(s) +B W(s)\end{equation} \begin{equation}W(s)= C X(s) -D W(s)\end{equation} \begin{equation} Y(s)= E W(s)\end{equation}
My question is would the system be closed loop block diagram?
There is a formalism called the power bond graph method which allows you to assemble block diagrams knowing the transfer functions. The standard reference is Karnopp & Rosenberg, System Dynamics- A Unified Approach.