T = ( [ (P - a)(1/e) - d ] / b)(1/c)
From inverting this equation, which computes the vapor pressure of water in Torr over the range 40°F to 120°F:
P = a + (b $\cdot$Tc + d)e
a = 4.623310605E+00
b = 4.501250993E-03
c = 1.541209347E+00
d = 1.397979393E-01
e = 2.211835619E+00
P is saturation vapor pressure in Torr
T is water temperature in °F
The calculated P is within +/- 0.7 Torr of the value from NIST.
The coefficients are from a least-squares fit of NIST data at 1°F increments using Excel's Solver.
For greater accuracy (within less +/- 1$\cdot$10-5 Torr of the NIST value), apply the correction below to the P value above (from a BASIC program):
LET P = P + poly_5(T)
FUNCTION poly_5(t)
LET a = 1.27036280E-09
LET b = -1.47540377E-07
LET c = -1.11584346E-05
LET d = 1.15323358E-03
LET e = 4.83696142E-02
LET f = -3.47478756E+00
LET poly_5 = a*t^5 + b*t^4 + c*t^3 + d*t^2 + e*t + f
Inverting "P = P + poly_5(T)" to obtain T as a function of P, which was requested at the top of this thread, is left to others.