I need help with ideas on how to mount a case, that contains a Raspberry Pi zero and a camera, over an analog thermometer dial (see photos below). Additionally, there will be a power bank, as well, but its position isn't much important. I am not an engineer and would appreciate any ideas how to mount the Pi above the dial.
What I have:
- Raspberry Pi Zero in the case. There is a noIR camera inside (see the hole on the photo, photo isn't mine).
- Thermometer will be in a compost pile in a vertical position. The dial will be facing up. It has a frame around it (see the orange thing on the photo).
- The round frame has 12.4cm diameter (outer edge) and 7.5mm thickness.
- A cron job in the Pi runs a python script periodically which takes a photo of the thermometer dial.
- Raspberry Pi is powered by a power bank.
- The case has to be mounted on that round frame (see orange thing on photo) so that the camera is directed to the thermometer dial, and has to be at some distance (about 10cm) so that the focus is clear.
- The case has to be stable and not slip or fall off the round frame.
- The case can be disconnected and then put back on at the end of the day.
- It's a one time project, so the solution can be something makeshift.
- Optionally: any ideas how to mount a power bank, as well, so that it can be easily unmounted for charging and mounted back?
Please share your ideas on mounting all these together.
I found one thing on Amazon that could work but I'm afraid it would slip and rotate because there would be only one point of contact. Can be found by "Camera Mount Clamp Stand with Double Ballhead and Crab Clamp".
I think to make it really stable there should be 3 points of contact instead of one, something like a mini-tripod hovering over the center and its legs are on the frame, but tripods usually have things mounted on top.