I came across this drawing of a "Finned Tube" (Google translate). Took me a while to make out why the horizontal fin was different from all the rest in the side view at first. It turns out they added the bottom bends which are cut off from sight in the remainder of the fins.
I was able to construct the end view eventually. It was like pulling teeth initially trying to get all the ends to connect in the array for some reason.
I then extruded the section view for the 260 length.
And stopped at trimming the ends at a 15 degree angle. (Apparently I left a small sliver on the pointed tip.)
The reason I stopped here is I realized that the 10 mm dimension is actually showing the point where the "fins" start to deform. And this also made me realize what the faint lines were in the cross section/ end view.
What is an approach to model the transition to those pinched ends?
I am guessing loft, but really shaky on the details that would be involved.
(I had no clue what the 2 mm diameter radius would be when the pipe was formed, so I just kept that number to keep things simplified. I am making the assumption that the more important dimensions are the inside and outside dimeters when done along with the 15 degree end chamfer.)
I am using Inventor LT 2021. No access to sheet metal tools