I'm trying to study the free body diagram of this differential-drive mobile robot in case of straight trajectory (same torque applied on both of rear wheels) and pure rolling motion
I started studying the whole system, in which i have the inertial force, vertical force (weight), two friction force Ft for the rear wheels and a friction force Fta for the castor wheel. Then i have three normal forces, two on rear wheels, one on castor wheel.
So far i have three equations (one along x and one along y, one about torques with respect the center of mass) and 7 unknowns.
In order to solve the system, should i disconnect the system (wheels and platform)? How can i solve it?
Wheel variables:
FTrr = longitudinal force right wheel
FTrl = longidutinal force left wheel
FTca = longitudinal force on castor wheel
Nca = normal force on the castor wheel
Nrr = normal force right wheel
Nrl = normal force left wheel
M = robot mass
d = distance between wheel center - center of mass
e = distance between castor wheel center - center of mass
h = distance between center of mass - ground
a = acceleration
Equations about x, y and torque with respect the center of mass (positive if clockwise):
Active right/left wheel (after i broke up the system):
tau = actuator torque
r = radius
FTr = longitudinal force
Nr = normal force
Rx = reaction force between platform and wheel about x axis
Ry = reaction force between platform and wheel about y axis
P/n = inertial load on the right/left wheel (N = amount of load on each wheel)
J = moment of inertia