I am a high school student learning to analyze aircraft models in Autodesk CFD for the first time. My current project is analyzing a supercritical airfoil on Autodesk CFD (that was designed in Autodesk Fusion360).
Can I get help with the following : I researched several turbulence models(https://knowledge.autodesk.com/support/cfd/learn-explore/caas/CloudHelp/cloudhelp/2019/ENU/SimCFD-UsersGuide/files/GUID-E9E8ACA1-8D49-4A49-8A35-52DB1A2C3E5F-htm.html#:~:text=Turb.%20model%20%20%20Turbulence%20Model%20%20,model%20wi%20...%20%206%20more%20rows) and I chose the SST k omega turbulence model, with a 250 m/s inlet velocity, 0 gauge pressure , unknown outlet and a compressible flow , I am getting a lift to drag ratio of approx. 4.3.I think the lift to drag ratio is too low. I am suspecting the analysis conditions are to blame. Are these the correct input parameters? Am I missing anything else? Thank you. Here is a screenshot of the analysis: The following image is my mesh along with the convergence plot after working with the suggestions.