I have a 2" diameter, 6" long pipe that I believe to be steel and want to use IF it is, heck I want to use it if it's OK to handle (ie not lead, arsenic etc..guess I can only rule-out so much!), it is very clearly a single-alloy pipe and has no markings (it is from a trunk of old car-parts, I suspect it was a suspension-spring housing or something similar, just a strong tube)
I'm usually able to comfortably distinguish metals but wanna be sure here, is there any ways to rule-out lead w/o getting a lead-test-kit? This tube:
- is magnetic,
- does not quickly rust (and shows bright-silver upon scratching; is hard-to-scratch)
- is very rigid (no malleability, hard on the grinder, makes a sharp 'ping' noise when flicked not the dull 'bang' of tapping lead)
Can rule-out that it's not pure-lead but have no idea if such products are typically steel-alloys, pot-metal-alloys or what....the use-case would have me handling this pipe so I wanna find out for sure, I don't weld so was very psyched to find a piece of metal precisely as-needed for a project but gotta figure out if this metal can be safely held!