I'm a student. Now, I am learning to use LM5030 IC to design a Push-Pull converter. So, I read LM5030's datasheet and can not understand the function of COMP pin (Pin 3). The red line is Feedback circuit, input its connect to VOUT, output its connect to COMP pin.
Following the info in the datasheet, it's said: " The comparator polarity is such that 0 V on the COMP pin will cause a zero duty cycle". The duty cycle is to switch on/of 2 MOSFET. And in above figure, the output of the feedback circuit will make COMP = 0 when VOUT > 0, it means the duty cycle for 2 MOSFET will be zero.
That makes me can not understand. Did I miss something?
P.S: LM5030 datasheet