One end of a small insulated rod is attached to a support which is maintained at a constant temperature of 473 K,and once the rod has reached a uniform temperature in its entire length the insulation is removed. Now the surrounding air is at 298 K with convective heat transfer coefficient h.
I am required to find the time elasped when the temperatures at some length of rod reaches a given temperature.The radius,thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity are all given
This is a unsteady state heat conduction and convection problem.I got the following pde $$k \frac{\partial^2 T }{\partial z^2} - \frac k\alpha \frac{\partial T}{\partial t}=\frac{2h}{R} (T-T_0)$$
where $k$ is thermal conductivity $\alpha$ is thermal diffusivity and $T_0$ is surrounding ambient temperature.I am facing trouble finding out the two boundary conditions.The initial condition is that at $t=0$ the rod is at a uniform temperature of 473K.The first boundary condition is at $z=0$ the temperature is 473K.However i am unable to find out the second boundary condition.The tip of the fin is not insulated and is neither maintained at a constant temperature.