I am bit confused in considering the methods to apply for designing.
Consider a machine, which as several parts mounted on the frame (frame is of any sectional shape for exampe: ´I´ section). Let the length and width of the frame is 2m and 0.6m respectively. Here the Distribution of the masses of the different components on the frame are eccentric in nature. And the machine supports at the four cornes which is similar to the support of the chair.
My question is, how do I calculate the deflection, bending moment, shear stress etc of the Frame or whole machine due to the Forces acting on it.
Since the Forces acting here are eccentric and not exactly on the beam, I think it is not possible to solve it by using Beam theory.
So, could anyone suggest me how to carry out this problem to solve it analytically. Or any advices on the study of any related topics are appreciated.
Thank you