Can someone explain what this sentence means?
"The mean power produced in this plant is 100 MW with a mean productivity of 5100 kWh/tcoal."
Specifically what does 5100 kWh/tcoal and 100MW mean?
Can someone explain what this sentence means?
"The mean power produced in this plant is 100 MW with a mean productivity of 5100 kWh/tcoal."
Specifically what does 5100 kWh/tcoal and 100MW mean?
On average, the power plant produces 100 MW of electricity, or 100 000 kW of electricity.
Per tonne of coal burned, the plant produces 5100 kWh.
Thus, the average amount of coal the plant burns per hour to generate this energy is 100 000/5100, which is 19.608 tonnes per hour.
FWIW, Wikipedia quotes coal's energy content as on the order of 6.7 kWh per kilogram. Data provided here cites anthracite as being nearly 1.5 X as energy-dense as bituminous, 30 vs 20 kJ/g . If you take those numbers you can now calculate the efficiency of the power plant in question. -- With the caveat that I'm not sure whether that's an English or metric ton referred to.