As I was browsing ISO 965-1 it defines tolerances on a plenty of variables regarding metric threads, but it gives the pitch of the thread as a simple number from an allowed set ( 3 – 2 – 1,5 – 1– 0,75 – 0,5 – 0,35 – 0,25 – 0,2 ), and no tolerances on these are ever given.
Why is it so? Are they defined in some other standard or is there a specific reason why they aren't defined to a given tolerance? Specifically, when I'm using a threaded rod as a lead-screw actuator, I'd like to know what inaccuracy can I expect coming from imprecision of pitch - how accurately do 1000 turns of a M10x1 threaded rod convert to 1000mm travel distance of the nut (minus backslash etc)?