A colleague of mine sent me this image of some racking and I've been trying to figure out the design intent of some of the features.
Image one (key holes)
Looking at the keyholes on this racking the one side of the lobe is curved while the other side is straight, sloping away from where the skids are going to be placed.
Image 2 (top view paint sketch of the racking profile)
This image is a quick and dirty sketch of the shape of the racking profile,, sort of a W shape.
When I looked at these images I was thinking that the two shapes were made to work together, the straight side of the keyhole being made to slightly pull the shelves of the racking apart when placed in them. I.e. not fully resting on the bottom of the keyholes under their own weight, and then the 'W' shape of the racking uprights being used to act as a bit of a spring/dampener feature. My thinking/reasoning for this is so that when a forklift drops/lowers a skid onto the shelves, the racking uprights will have room to flex slightly and absorb some of the impact (forklifts not being particularly precision instruments). This way the racking pins don't get impact loaded every time a skid gets loaded, and also the flexing of the uprights would allow for a greater tolerance in the levelness of the shelving. (Shelving/racking safety requirements being remarkably strict)
My question is, does my reasoning sound accurate, or is there another reason for these somewhat 'complicated*' shapes?
note- by complicated I don't mean intricate, these are very simple shapes to make, but they appear to have more design intent because they go beyond simple holes and extrusion processes. I come from industry where all geometry requires justification and calculations not just "because it looks cool".