I've written a program to generate gears and write them to dxf files. I thought all was well until I looked at the mesh of two gears.
From everything I've read there should be no backlash when the pitch circles touch. So I'm ether reading wrong, or my calculations are skewed. If I drop the pressure angle to like 8, the teeth fit nicely. The image is with the angle set to 14.5 This is the actual code, I derived it from here
//angle of involute to outside circle
//see fetch.pdf, equ (6),(7) then from...
//polar_radius = base_radius * sqrt( 1 + t^2 )
//where t is the arc AB
//the limit of polar_radius is the outer_radius
// so solve for t at the limit
// t= ( ( outside_diameter / base_diameter )^2 - 1 )^1/2
//for the end point of the involute arc
double Dop= gp.od / gp.bd; //ouside diameter / base diameter
double t= sqrt( Dop * Dop - 1 ); //angle of tangent to involute arc, at limit
double Ac= t - atan( t ); // angle of involute arc, at limit
then I create a line string for the involut curve as:
for( size_t step= 0; step <= ITERS; ++step )
double arc= t / ITERS * step;
*ls+= bg_point( base_radius * ( cos( arc ) + arc * sin( arc ) ),
base_radius * ( sin( arc ) - arc * cos( arc ) ) );
And thinking about it, how could you not have backlash when the teeth arc from the base circle, the point where the line starts at half a tooth/space distance. But I'm just not sure.
Also, I'm planing to put all the code on GetHub and will do it sooner than later if needed.
UPDATE: The fix is in and now it looks like it should. This is with a 20 degree pitch.
I've uploaded to GetHub using the MIT license. If I think this useful, maybe others will also. The user interface needs a lot of work, gear params are still hard coded. Only these two files have any thing to do with gears.
The rest is a CAD drawing interface. Thanks again SprocketsAreNotGears!!