I am currently designing a small pneumatic system that pumps air into an airbag, holds the air in, then releases it to the atmosphere. Each pump in the system actually feeds two sets of airbags and solenoids.
I have decided to use normally closed (NC) solenoids as the air has to be held in the airbag for a long time (and I don't want to deplete my battery by energising a normally open solenoid for all of that time).
The set up is as follows: I have a dc pump, connected to a 2/2 NC solenoid valve, which feeds into the air bag. The second solenoid is connected to this line (using some kind of T connector) in order to release the pressure from the airbag when necessary. As mentioned before, the dc pump actually feeds two sets of airbags and solenoids.
My question: The first solenoid in the set up only needs to let air pass in one direction, however when it is closed it will likely experience a pressure differential in different directions at different times. Can a NC, single direction solenoid valve stay closed when the pressure differential is in either direction?
Here is a link to one of the solenoids that I am considering (warning - its a chinese site, so may run a little slowly)