
I am trying to find again a small plastic damper that I was looking at last year, but forgot the exact name for that type and now I am unable to find it again. Quite frustrating.

It is pretty much a plastic piston with a small hole at the end, which acts as a linear damper and that is pushed back by a spring. Pretty much like those RC shock absorbers, but far simpler and cheaper.

I need to use it for slowing down a small lid and would be the best solution, but can't find the exact name. something similar to this, but far simpler and cheaper

  • $\begingroup$ A gas strut, maybe? $\endgroup$
    – Transistor
    Commented Aug 7, 2016 at 13:47

2 Answers 2


You're looking for a "shock absorber" or "damper". You could prefix your search with "miniature". Try McMaster for a start http://www.mcmaster.com/#hydraulic-dampers/=13n5nu9


Are you thinking of coilovers? They look very similar to the image you posted.

Coilovers are shock absorbers/dampers with a spring wrapped around the outside. They appear in many vehicle suspensions.


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