Your closedloop crossover frequency (when the magnitude of $P(s)\,C(s)$ is equal to one) lies at roughly 1 rad/s. This means that the feedback controller already causes the system to track reference signals that have a frequency content sufficiently below that. So adding feedforward that only approximates the inverse of the plant ($C_f(s)\,P(s)\approx1$) below the crossover frequency should not aid in the tracking performance, so that is why for both $\tau=1$ and $\tau=10$ the magnitude of the overall transfer functions both start to drop off around 1 rad/s, similar to if you wouldn't use any feedforward ($C_f(s)=0$).
However, for $\tau=1$ the magnitude of $C_f(s)\,P(s)$ near 1 rad/s is still close to 0 dB, but the phase at 1 rad/s has already dropped to -135°, so the actual feedforward is actually doing partially the opposite of what the ideal feedforward would do and thus steering away from better reference tracking. For $\tau=10$ the magnitude of $C_f(s)\,P(s)$ near 1 rad/s is already close to -60 dB. So, even though the phase is already way lower compared when using $\tau=1$, the magnitude is so low that the feedback controller can counteract the little disturbance the feedforward term is causing near that frequency. So that is why $\tau=10$ performs better (less overshoot) than $\tau=1$. Though, it can be noted that for $\tau=10$ there is a 0.3 dB peak near 0.06 rad/s and an overshoot of 0.03 after 20 seconds, while the system with only feedback and no feedforward has no overshoot.