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Seriously?! :D

There are going to be two parts to the solution you are looking for,

A) Till the steak is in the cannon

B) The steak leaves the cannon, is into the air and cooking starts

A) Internal ballistics:

You are dealing with compressible flow. NEVER use simple Bernaulli's equation beyond Mach no. 0.3. Make sure you are using correction terms till Mach number 0.7 and beyond that, use equations of gas dynamics (refer Modern Compressible Flow by John Anderson).

That said, your case is same as an air rifle case. Instead of pellet, you are shooting steaks. So if you know the muzzle velocity, you can design your cannon as shown in this paper. Now your question is how does one get $P_0$ mentioned in this paper, right? For that you will have to do reverse calculations.

B) Steak leaves the cannon

Assuming that you want your steak medium (as rare is not recommended apparently!rare is not recommended apparently!), figure out the internal and surface temperatures for cooking. Also time required for cooking. At these temperature, your steak most probably will be flying at supersonic speeds. Then there will be a bow shock in front of the steak. You can safely approximate it as a normal shock and use normal shock relations to calculate total temperature ratio across the shock. Now $T_{01}$ becomes the atmospheric temperature and $T_{02}$ becomes the surface temperature on the steak (using total pressure ratio and gas dynamics relations). This will give you required shock strength and hence the flying Mach number. Assuming STP conditions at sea level, find acoustic velocity and hence the steak velocity. Now this is average steak velocity. But there is going to be wave and pressure drag on the steak all the time. Use this Stanford supersonic wing drag calculator to calculate this drag. In this take aspect ratio (AR) = 1, $C_L = 0$, put length of steak and its thickness / length as t/c. So compute the muzzle velocity by using newton's second and then first law. Now substitute this muzzle velocity in point A discussed above.

That will give you your chamber pressure.

Also I found one report in which internal ballistics of spring loaded gun is considered. There is a matlab code as well. You can take author's permission to use it.

Another issue is, as you are going to use pre compressed pneumatic cylinder, the temperature is going to drop considerably when expansion happens. So flames is not a problem, however, during compressing of the gas in that cylinder, things are going to heat up, so using helium is smart move.

Another way you can do this exercise is to write a small code in your favorite language and carry out those iterations you mentioned. However, don't use Bernaulli's equation.

All the best for your paper.

Speculation: If your hypothetical steak is flying supersonic for several minutes through the air, its most likely going to be eaten by some dog some hundred miles away from you!


Seriously?! :D

There are going to be two parts to the solution you are looking for,

A) Till the steak is in the cannon

B) The steak leaves the cannon, is into the air and cooking starts

A) Internal ballistics:

You are dealing with compressible flow. NEVER use simple Bernaulli's equation beyond Mach no. 0.3. Make sure you are using correction terms till Mach number 0.7 and beyond that, use equations of gas dynamics (refer Modern Compressible Flow by John Anderson).

That said, your case is same as an air rifle case. Instead of pellet, you are shooting steaks. So if you know the muzzle velocity, you can design your cannon as shown in this paper. Now your question is how does one get $P_0$ mentioned in this paper, right? For that you will have to do reverse calculations.

B) Steak leaves the cannon

Assuming that you want your steak medium (as rare is not recommended apparently!), figure out the internal and surface temperatures for cooking. Also time required for cooking. At these temperature, your steak most probably will be flying at supersonic speeds. Then there will be a bow shock in front of the steak. You can safely approximate it as a normal shock and use normal shock relations to calculate total temperature ratio across the shock. Now $T_{01}$ becomes the atmospheric temperature and $T_{02}$ becomes the surface temperature on the steak (using total pressure ratio and gas dynamics relations). This will give you required shock strength and hence the flying Mach number. Assuming STP conditions at sea level, find acoustic velocity and hence the steak velocity. Now this is average steak velocity. But there is going to be wave and pressure drag on the steak all the time. Use this Stanford supersonic wing drag calculator to calculate this drag. In this take aspect ratio (AR) = 1, $C_L = 0$, put length of steak and its thickness / length as t/c. So compute the muzzle velocity by using newton's second and then first law. Now substitute this muzzle velocity in point A discussed above.

That will give you your chamber pressure.

Also I found one report in which internal ballistics of spring loaded gun is considered. There is a matlab code as well. You can take author's permission to use it.

Another issue is, as you are going to use pre compressed pneumatic cylinder, the temperature is going to drop considerably when expansion happens. So flames is not a problem, however, during compressing of the gas in that cylinder, things are going to heat up, so using helium is smart move.

Another way you can do this exercise is to write a small code in your favorite language and carry out those iterations you mentioned. However, don't use Bernaulli's equation.

All the best for your paper.

Speculation: If your hypothetical steak is flying supersonic for several minutes through the air, its most likely going to be eaten by some dog some hundred miles away from you!


Seriously?! :D

There are going to be two parts to the solution you are looking for,

A) Till the steak is in the cannon

B) The steak leaves the cannon, is into the air and cooking starts

A) Internal ballistics:

You are dealing with compressible flow. NEVER use simple Bernaulli's equation beyond Mach no. 0.3. Make sure you are using correction terms till Mach number 0.7 and beyond that, use equations of gas dynamics (refer Modern Compressible Flow by John Anderson).

That said, your case is same as an air rifle case. Instead of pellet, you are shooting steaks. So if you know the muzzle velocity, you can design your cannon as shown in this paper. Now your question is how does one get $P_0$ mentioned in this paper, right? For that you will have to do reverse calculations.

B) Steak leaves the cannon

Assuming that you want your steak medium (as rare is not recommended apparently!), figure out the internal and surface temperatures for cooking. Also time required for cooking. At these temperature, your steak most probably will be flying at supersonic speeds. Then there will be a bow shock in front of the steak. You can safely approximate it as a normal shock and use normal shock relations to calculate total temperature ratio across the shock. Now $T_{01}$ becomes the atmospheric temperature and $T_{02}$ becomes the surface temperature on the steak (using total pressure ratio and gas dynamics relations). This will give you required shock strength and hence the flying Mach number. Assuming STP conditions at sea level, find acoustic velocity and hence the steak velocity. Now this is average steak velocity. But there is going to be wave and pressure drag on the steak all the time. Use this Stanford supersonic wing drag calculator to calculate this drag. In this take aspect ratio (AR) = 1, $C_L = 0$, put length of steak and its thickness / length as t/c. So compute the muzzle velocity by using newton's second and then first law. Now substitute this muzzle velocity in point A discussed above.

That will give you your chamber pressure.

Also I found one report in which internal ballistics of spring loaded gun is considered. There is a matlab code as well. You can take author's permission to use it.

Another issue is, as you are going to use pre compressed pneumatic cylinder, the temperature is going to drop considerably when expansion happens. So flames is not a problem, however, during compressing of the gas in that cylinder, things are going to heat up, so using helium is smart move.

Another way you can do this exercise is to write a small code in your favorite language and carry out those iterations you mentioned. However, don't use Bernaulli's equation.

All the best for your paper.

Speculation: If your hypothetical steak is flying supersonic for several minutes through the air, its most likely going to be eaten by some dog some hundred miles away from you!


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Seriously?! :D

There are going to be two parts to the solution you are looking for,

A) Till the steak is in the canoncannon

B) The steak leaves the cannon, itsis into the air and cooking starts

A) Internal ballistics:

You are dealing with compressible flow. NEVER use simple Bernaulli's equation beyond Mach no. 0.3. Make sure you are using correction terms till Mach number 0.7 and beyond that, use equations of gas dynamics (refer Modern Compressible Flow by John Anderson).

That said, your case is same as an air rifle case. Instead of palletpellet, you are shooting steaks. So if you know the muzzle velocity, you can design your cannon as shown in this paper. Now your question is how does one get $P_0$ mentioned in this paper, right? For that you will have to do reverse calculations.

B) Steak leaves the cannon

Assuming that you want your steak medium (as rare is not recommended apparently!), figure out the internal and surface temperatures for cooking. Also time required for cooking. At these temperature, your steak most probably will be flying at supersonic speeds. Then there will be a bow shock in front of the steak. You can safely approximate it as a normal shock and use normal shock relations to calculate total temperature ratio across the shock. Now $T_{01}$ becomes the atmospheric temperature and $T_{02}$ becomes the surface temperature on the steak (using total pressure ratio and gas dynamics relations). This will give you required shock strength and hence the flying Mach number. Assuming STP conditions at sea level, find acoustic velocity and hence the steak velocity. Now this is average steak velocity. But there is going to be wave and pressure drag on the steak all the time. Use this Stanford supersonic wing drag calculator to calculate this drag. In this take aspect ratio (AR) = 1, $C_L = 0$, put length of steak and its thickness / length as t/c. So compute the muzzle velocity by using newton's second and then first law. Now substitute this muzzle velocity in point A discussed above.

That will give you your chamber pressure.

Also I found one report in which internal ballistics of spring loaded gun is considered. There is a matlab code as well. You can take author's permission to use it.

Another issue is, as you are going to use pre compressed pneumatic cylinder, the temperature is going to drop considerably when expansion happens. So flames is not a problem, however, during compressing of the gas in that cylinder, things are going to heat up, so using helium is smart move.

Another way you can do this exercise is to write a small code in your favorite language and carry out those iterations you mentioned. However, don't use Bernaulli's equation.

All the best for your paper.

Speculation: If your hypothetical steak is flying supersonic for several minutes through the air, its most likely going to be eaten by some dog some hundred miles away from you!


Seriously?! :D

There are going to be two parts to the solution you are looking for,

A) Till the steak is in the canon

B) The steak leaves the cannon, its into the air and cooking starts

A) Internal ballistics:

You are dealing with compressible flow. NEVER use simple Bernaulli's equation beyond Mach no. 0.3. Make sure you are using correction terms till Mach number 0.7 and beyond that, use equations of gas dynamics (refer Modern Compressible Flow by John Anderson).

That said, your case is same as an air rifle case. Instead of pallet, you are shooting steaks. So if you know the muzzle velocity, you can design your cannon as shown in this paper. Now your question is how does one get $P_0$ mentioned in this paper, right? For that you will have to do reverse calculations.

B) Steak leaves the cannon

Assuming that you want your steak medium (as rare is not recommended apparently!), figure out the internal and surface temperatures for cooking. Also time required for cooking. At these temperature, your steak most probably will be flying at supersonic speeds. Then there will be a bow shock in front of the steak. You can safely approximate it as a normal shock and use normal shock relations to calculate total temperature ratio across the shock. Now $T_{01}$ becomes the atmospheric temperature and $T_{02}$ becomes the surface temperature on the steak (using total pressure ratio and gas dynamics relations). This will give you required shock strength and hence the flying Mach number. Assuming STP conditions at sea level, find acoustic velocity and hence the steak velocity. Now this is average steak velocity. But there is going to be wave and pressure drag on the steak all the time. Use this Stanford supersonic wing drag calculator to calculate this drag. In this take aspect ratio (AR) = 1, $C_L = 0$, put length of steak and its thickness / length as t/c. So compute the muzzle velocity by using newton's second and then first law. Now substitute this muzzle velocity in point A discussed above.

That will give you your chamber pressure.

Also I found one report in which internal ballistics of spring loaded gun is considered. There is a matlab code as well. You can take author's permission to use it.

Another issue is, as you are going to use pre compressed pneumatic cylinder, the temperature is going to drop considerably when expansion happens. So flames is not a problem, however, during compressing of the gas in that cylinder, things are going to heat up, so using helium is smart move.

Another way you can do this exercise is to write a small code in your favorite language and carry out those iterations you mentioned. However, don't use Bernaulli's equation.

All the best for your paper.

Speculation: If your hypothetical steak is flying supersonic for several minutes through the air, its most likely going to be eaten by some dog some hundred miles away from you!


Seriously?! :D

There are going to be two parts to the solution you are looking for,

A) Till the steak is in the cannon

B) The steak leaves the cannon, is into the air and cooking starts

A) Internal ballistics:

You are dealing with compressible flow. NEVER use simple Bernaulli's equation beyond Mach no. 0.3. Make sure you are using correction terms till Mach number 0.7 and beyond that, use equations of gas dynamics (refer Modern Compressible Flow by John Anderson).

That said, your case is same as an air rifle case. Instead of pellet, you are shooting steaks. So if you know the muzzle velocity, you can design your cannon as shown in this paper. Now your question is how does one get $P_0$ mentioned in this paper, right? For that you will have to do reverse calculations.

B) Steak leaves the cannon

Assuming that you want your steak medium (as rare is not recommended apparently!), figure out the internal and surface temperatures for cooking. Also time required for cooking. At these temperature, your steak most probably will be flying at supersonic speeds. Then there will be a bow shock in front of the steak. You can safely approximate it as a normal shock and use normal shock relations to calculate total temperature ratio across the shock. Now $T_{01}$ becomes the atmospheric temperature and $T_{02}$ becomes the surface temperature on the steak (using total pressure ratio and gas dynamics relations). This will give you required shock strength and hence the flying Mach number. Assuming STP conditions at sea level, find acoustic velocity and hence the steak velocity. Now this is average steak velocity. But there is going to be wave and pressure drag on the steak all the time. Use this Stanford supersonic wing drag calculator to calculate this drag. In this take aspect ratio (AR) = 1, $C_L = 0$, put length of steak and its thickness / length as t/c. So compute the muzzle velocity by using newton's second and then first law. Now substitute this muzzle velocity in point A discussed above.

That will give you your chamber pressure.

Also I found one report in which internal ballistics of spring loaded gun is considered. There is a matlab code as well. You can take author's permission to use it.

Another issue is, as you are going to use pre compressed pneumatic cylinder, the temperature is going to drop considerably when expansion happens. So flames is not a problem, however, during compressing of the gas in that cylinder, things are going to heat up, so using helium is smart move.

Another way you can do this exercise is to write a small code in your favorite language and carry out those iterations you mentioned. However, don't use Bernaulli's equation.

All the best for your paper.

Speculation: If your hypothetical steak is flying supersonic for several minutes through the air, its most likely going to be eaten by some dog some hundred miles away from you!


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Seriously?! :D

There are going to be two parts to the solution you are looking for,

A) Till the steak is in the canon

B) The steak leaves the cannon, its into the air and cooking starts

A) Internal ballistics:

You are dealing with compressible flow. NEVER use simple Bernaulli's equation beyond Mach no. 0.3. Make sure you are using correction terms till Mach number 0.7 and beyond that, use equations of gas dynamics (refer Modern Compressible Flow by John Anderson).

That said, your case is same as an air rifle case. Instead of pallet, you are shooting steaks. So if you know the muzzle velocity, you can design your cannon as shown in this paper. Now your question is how does one get $P_0$ mentioned in this paper, right? For that you will have to do reverse calculations.

B) Steak leaves the cannon

Assuming that you want your steak medium (as rare is not recommended apparently!), figure out the internal and surface temperatures for cooking. Also time required for cooking. At these temperature, your steak most probably will be flying at supersonic speeds. Then there will be a bow shock in front of the steak. You can safely approximate it as a normal shock and use normal shock relations to calculate total temperature ratio across the shock. Now $T_{01}$ becomes the atmospheric temperature and $T_{02}$ becomes the surface temperature on the steak (using total pressure ratio and gas dynamics relations). This will give you required shock strength and hence the flying Mach number. Assuming STP conditions at sea level, find acoustic velocity and hence the steak velocity. Now this is average steak velocity. But there is going to be wave and pressure drag on the steak all the time. Use this Stanford supersonic wing drag calculator to calculate this drag. In this take aspect ratio (AR) = 1, $C_L = 0$, put length of steak and its thickness / length as t/c. So compute the muzzle velocity by using newton's second and then first law. Now substitute this muzzle velocity in point A discussed above.

That will give you your chamber pressure.

Also I found one report in which internal ballistics of spring loaded gun is considered. There is a matlab code as well. You can take author's permission to use it.

Another issue is, as you are going to use pre compressed pneumatic cylinder, the temperature is going to drop considerably when expansion happens. So flames is not a problem, however, during compressing of the gas in that cylinder, things are going to heat up, so using helium is smart move.

Another way you can do this exercise is to write a small code in your favorite language and carry out those iterations you mentioned. However, don't use Bernaulli's equation.

All the best for your paper.

Speculation: If your hypothetical steak is flying supersonic for several minutes through the air, its most likely going to be eaten by some dog some hundred miles away from you!
